Bumbleride Capsule Adaptors for Era, Indie and Speed
You can fit your Maxi-Cosi, Nuna or Cybex capsule to your Bumbleride stroller by using adaptor brackets. The adaptors are fitted in the same way as the bassinet so it is easy to interchange the two. You can remove the seat fabric for a cleaner look.
Please make sure you buy the exact adaptors for your pram and pay particular attention if you have an Indie Twin.
If you are fitting just one capsule to your Indie Twin, please make sure you chose the Indie Twin 1 capsule option.
If you are fitting two capsules to your Indie Twin, please ensure you buy the Indie Twin 2 capsule set option.
INCLUDES: Adaptors in your chosen design. See notes above.
If you have any questions regarding this product please contact us on
Phone: 03 9369 9770
Email: service@babylittleplanet.com.au
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Shop Location: 2/298-300 Old Geelong Rd Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029